The holidays have this bittersweet way of creeping into our hearts. On one hand, they’re filled with laughter, food, and cherished moments. On the other, they can stir up sadness, bring back memories of loved ones lost, or even leave us feeling lonely, especially if we’re far from home. Thanksgiving, in particular, has a way of magnifying those emotions. For some, it’s a time of celebration and connection. For others, it’s a reminder of what’s missing. But here’s the thing: you can find peace this Thanksgiving and the holidays even if things aren’t exactly how you imagined they would be.

Create Your Own Traditions and Rituals
This year, I’m spending Thanksgiving away from my family for the first time. I’m heading to my in-laws’ house, which feels like a big shift. I won’t be around my mom’s kitchen, hearing my uncle’s terrible jokes, or watching the game with my uncles and cousins. But guess what? That’s okay. It’s a change, but it’s not a bad one. I’ve learned to embrace the unknown and be open to new experiences.
If you’re in the same boat, maybe away from family for the first time, or trying to navigate a holiday without someone important, I hear you. It’s tough, but here’s the thing—this could be an opportunity to create new traditions. Maybe it’s learning how your spouse’s family does things, or just trying to form a connection with the people around you. You can make this time feel like your own. Embrace the little joys that come with it. Maybe you’re savoring the smell of mac and cheese, laughing over burnt rolls, or flexing that cute living room outfit *which I totally did by the way.) Whatever it is, find something that brings comfort and lightness to your day. It’s the little moments that will make this holiday one to remember.
Make Time to Reflect
The holidays come with their fair share of stress. Between meal prep, travel plans, and expectations for the perfect family gathering, it can be overwhelming.. So, take a moment for yourself. Whether it’s as simple as sipping on a warm cup of coffee or making hot cocoa with extra marshmallows, give yourself permission to pause.
Reflection can bring peace. It’s a chance to step back and remember what truly matters. What are you grateful for? The people around you? The home you’ve built? Maybe it is the simple fact that you get to experience another Thanksgiving. So often, we get caught up in the chaos of the season, but taking time to reflect can center you, calm your mind, and remind you of all the good that’s still present.
Practice Gratitude
I’ll be honest: spending Thanksgiving with my in-laws instead of my family had me a little nervous. You never know if another family has entirely different traditions or if it’s the same. But as I sit down with them this year, I realize how lucky I am to have the chance to get to know them better. Family is family, whether you’re connected by blood or by love. I’m grateful for this opportunity to bond with them, to learn their traditions, and to form a new sense of belonging.

Gratitude doesn’t stop there, though. I know there are plenty of people who can’t see their families this season, or ever, and that puts things into perspective. I feel so thankful for the ability to visit my family in Utah often, but I also recognize that not everyone has that privilege. This Thanksgiving, let’s focus on what we do have—our loved ones, our health, the roof over our heads, and the food on our tables. You’re richer than 97% of the world by these standards, and that’s something worth appreciating. Find the small blessings in your day, whether that’s a warm meal, a loving conversation, or even just a peaceful moment of silence.
Let Go of Expectations
One thing I’ve learned is that life has a funny way of throwing curveballs, especially around the holidays. Things rarely go as planned, and that's okay. This Thanksgiving, I’m choosing to embrace the unknown. I don’t know exactly how things will unfold at my in-laws’ house, and that’s part of the adventure. If there’s an awkward silence or a mishap with the stuffing, so be it. Sometimes, the best memories come from unexpected moments.
If you’re finding yourself in a different stage of life this holiday season—whether that means being away from home, navigating new traditions, or dealing with family tension—trust that things are unfolding as they should. It’s not always going to be perfect, and that’s perfectly fine. Give yourself permission to release the pressure of perfection and allow the moment to unfold naturally. You might be surprised at what you discover when you let go of control.
Conclusion: Peace Is Found in the Journey
Thanksgiving is a time for reflection, connection, and gratitude, but it doesn’t always look like what we expect. Whether you’re celebrating with family, and friends, or in a new place, peace can be found by embracing the present moment. Create your own traditions, take time to reflect, and focus on the little things that bring joy. Let go of the expectations and open your heart to whatever the season has to offer. Remember, peace isn’t about everything being perfect—it’s about finding contentment in what you have and where you are. So, take a deep breath, enjoy the season, and remember that it’s all part of your unique journey.
Bio: Hi, my name is Luma. I'm 26 years old living in San Antonio, Texas. I'm a premium ghostwriter and brand storyteller for mental health professionals to grow their email list and email marketing. Other than writing, my interests and hobbies include reading, listening to my favorite music, and spending time with my family. I believe art has a way of connecting people from all over the world and make it a better place. If you loved this post, subscribe to my newsletter where I talk about mental health, my personal journey, and much more and my socials X: LI:

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Have a wonderful holiday season empaths!
xoxo, Ari ✨
such great tips love this!😍🥳happy holidays 💖